Gender Equality

Theodore Poncet
4 min readSep 28, 2021
North Dakota Protest


My UN Sustainable Development Goal is to research gender equality, and how women have been unlawfully prevented from exercising control over their own lives.

Pro Choice Movement

The goal of my topic is not only to make abortions legal and safe but for women to be the ones making the decision to either get it or not. In certain states (Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Wisconsin) abortions are either illegal or have strict policies to restrict women from having an abortion. The house bill 314 was created as a result to the Roe v. Wade court case which is commonly known as the human life protection act which prohibits women from getting an abortion.

Background information and my beliefs

Understanding this topic would help the UN sustainable development goal because if all states in the country were to allow women to take their own decision and eliminate bills or bans that are corrupt will increase and improve gender equality. For example in Alabama, house bill 314 was passed meaning that abortions are illegal. This bill was passed by 25 men, and 0 women, what does this say about the system? Why should a group of men have a say on a decision that should be done by a woman as it is her body and the one that will or will not be pregnant? If this issue were to be resolved it will bring us (humans) a big step closer to gender equality. It is a little ironic that most republicans who are pro-life are against mandating the mask and that people should have the freedom to choose whether to wear a mask or not but won't give women the choice of abortion.

My Three Open-Ended Questions about this subject:

  1. Why was the voting of the house bill 314 done by 31 males and 4 females, although this is a senate bill why would they find this appropriate if the majority is men when this decision should be done by women?
  2. How should the voting have happened if it were to have changed? (Ex: a state voting only for women? A state voting for both women and men?)
  3. If the woman were raped or is pregnant due to incest, should it be a separate scenario as it was out of their control to get pregnant?

My interests on the topic

I am personally interested in researching and learning more about this topic as it has been going through many changes and controversies these past years. I have been in a relationship for a year and a half and my girlfriend has taught me many things and ideologies about this topic as she protests for this. I want to learn to be at the same level as her and protest with her about what she believes in.

Important? Why?

I would be lying if I said my topic would help others in rising professions, but my general goal of gender equality will be very important in the workplace. In any office you will work in you will have a conduct code to respect. In the code, there will be rules against sexist jokes, sexual harassment, and saying anything that could offend a woman. There are many issues in the workplace where women are mistreated because women experience: sexual violence, sexual harassment and workplace discrimination.

Personal experience

I used to swim professionally and during one of my practices, one of my teammates once said to this girl that will remain unnamed. I will always remember this as at the time I was captain of the team and had to be the one to deal with it with my coach. The girl was getting out of the water and he stated “why are you still swimming? You’re slow, why don't you just become our cheerleader because the only good thing about you is your *ss”. I remember hearing this and being very disturbed and shocked as she was my friend. He was later kicked out of the team for disrupting the code of conduct that we all signed to respect. It is important for people to understand gender equality and to respect it in the workplace as anything you say could be against you and risk your career.

Here is a very good movie that I recommend all new eyes on this subject to watch as it will give you a bit of understanding on my topic against abortion: It is called Roe V. Wade and will be a huge inspiration in my project.



Theodore Poncet

I am a Student at the University at Buffalo, I setup this blog because of a MGG303 Project that I have to do, my topic will be about Gender Equality.